Please find below the text of the letter with which we submitted the packet of documents in protest against the latest legislative initiative of the Bulgarian Socialists, namely draft laws Bulgarian Law on Religious Confessions (Proposal No. 654-01-26 on 1 March, 2016 and Proposals No. 654-01-32 on 14 March 2016) at three European bodies on April 11.
The Declaration was submitted to Bulgarian parliament on April 1.
Many thanks to all the kind people and Christian brothers and sisters from within Bulgaria and abroad who supported this initiative. Over 2100 support pledges were entered into the institutions with additional 800 which came in late.
Please, read further to see additional information and links including the translation of the offensive bill and our letter to the Venice Commission and two other European bodies.
Read more: Declaration against Anti-religious Draft Laws Submitted to Parliament and European Bodies
Attack of the communists against faith continues
26 years after the fall of the communist regime representatives of the Communist Party (now called "Socialist"), which was never disbanded after the regime change, without any shame and embarrassment with renewed vigor reintroduced their ongoing war against Christianity, faith, fundamental human rights and freedoms. In spitе the fact that these rights and freedoms were brutally trampled on during their regime at the cost of the blood and freedom of tens of thousands during their totalitarian regime.
Two weeks after the introduction of draconian bill by Georgi Kadiev, imposing full state control over believers and their organizations and churches, his former colleagues from the Communist Party raised the ante.
The Socialists communist parliamentary group of the Socialist Party left Bulgaria Mariana Boyadjieva, Vasil Antonov, Philip Popov and Georgi Tarnovaliyski filed in the registry of the National Assembly on March 14 yet another bill amending the Law on Religious Affairs.
Besides the limitations introduced by Georgi Kadiev's bill, and those listed in our previous post, the news web site which reported on the new bill (by BSP), summarizes some of its content as follows:
Against attempts for unconstitutional legislative curbing of freedom of belief, speech, assembly and other human rights through two bills amending the Law on Religions introduced by Georgi Kadiev and a group of MPs from the Bulgarian Socialist Party “Left-Wing Bulgaria”
March 18, 2016
To the National Assembly [of Bulgaria]
Commission on Religions and Human Rights (lead)
Commission on Budget and Finance (participating)
Commission on Education and Science (participating)
Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe
First Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights
European Commission for Democracy through Law
International human rights organizations
Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of Parliament,
In view of the introduction of two bills amending the Law on Religious Confessions in the National Assembly, on March 1 and March 14, respectively by Georgi Kadiev and a group of MPs from the group of BSP Left Bulgaria, we consider it our duty and right to bring this protest declaration to the attention of the parliament and the public.
Read more: Declaration against Draft Laws Introducing Severe Religious Freedom Limitations